STATEMENT The Early-June Milestone

As we pass into the first week of June which marks the last recorded date of any viable osprey egg being laid in the UK, it is perhaps a good time to reflect on the progress of The Osprey nest at Gilestone Farm, Talybont. It has enjoyed a succession of Osprey visitors since the first arrival in late-March. From 13th April, the nest was adopted, re-constructed and defended by an unringed male (probably the same individual that built the nest in 2023) and was later joined by an unringed female on 29th April. These continue to be in residence strengthening their bond and attachment to the nest and immediate area.

As we are now at that early-June stage, we must conclude that breeding will not take place at Talybont in 2024. That highlights our belief that these are young, inexperienced birds not yet sexually-mature enough for the rigours of a breeding season. While this will be disappointing news to many, there are many plus points in that the valley, the nest and their behaviour augurs well for breeding in the future. After an expected departure to West Africa in September 2024 they will almost certainly return here as a pair in 2025 as a stronger, more mature bonded pair. In the meantime, they are now expected to remain in the valley, to defend their territory and continuing to visit the nest.

The restrictions will continue for the rest of the summer, the birds and the nest remain protected and there will be many observers enjoying them. At a reduced intensity valuable data will continue to be gathered by the trained ‘Osprey Watchers’ and their support team via the nestcam and towpath viewpoint allowing them to build on their own observation and recording skills and maintaining an accurate log of everything that happens on the nest and its surroundings.

Image taken through telescope by one of our keen supporters, Rachel Milne




Uninvited guests and housekeeping